Dingle Single Malt Irish Whiskey (2021)
Mellow, Sweet Fruity2022-04-13
Dingle Single Malt Irish Whiskey from 2021 is mainly a 6-7 year old spirit matured in first-fill bourbon casks and PX sherry casks and first bottling.
Dingle is one of the few Irish distilleries that exclusively produce their own spirit.

We have a heavy-smelling, deep honey-coloured single malt in the glass, which begins with an aniseed smell and transitions into a sweet citrus note. After the heavy notes fade away, softer notes take over, such as peach, ripe pear and creamy caramel.
Very strong, the palate is startled by a strongly acidic note. Again, softer flavours like sugar syrup, baked apple with vanilla sauce and candy floss take over after the initial tightening. Bitterness can be tasted briefly in between. We think of baking cocoa here.
The finish is rather short, partly spicy-minty and reminds us strongly of forest honey and spruce forest.
Definitely: the right whiskey for the balmy late summer evening. Although we have a lot of heavy and sour notes, the soft and sweet flavours round off the single malt in such a way that the composition is simply coherent and impressive.
Yes: distillery young, whiskey young - it works.
By the way, it gets better the more you drink of it - with the appropriate distance, of course.
Rating: 76/100 - Very Good (Marcel: 76 | Sascha: 76)
Value for Money: 4/5 - Good
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